Subject Benchmark
March 2022
About this Statement ...........................................................................................................1
How can I use this document? .................................................................................................. 1
Relationship to legislation and regulation .................................................................................. 1
Additional sector reference points ............................................................................................. 2
1 Context and purposes of a Computing degree..................................................3
Context ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Purposes of a Computing degree .............................................................................................. 3
Characteristics of a Computing degree ..................................................................................... 3
Equality, diversity and inclusion................................................................................................. 4
Sustainability .............................................................................................................................. 6
Entrepreneurship and enterprise education .............................................................................. 7
2 Distinctive features of a Computing degree .................................................... 11
Design ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Accessibility.............................................................................................................................. 12
Progression .............................................................................................................................. 12
Flexibility................................................................................................................................... 13
Partnership ............................................................................................................................... 13
Monitoring and review .............................................................................................................. 13
3 Content, structure and delivery .......................................................................... 15
Content ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Teaching and learning ............................................................................................................. 15
Assessment.............................................................................................................................. 17
4 Benchmark standards............................................................................................ 19
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 19
Undergraduate standards: threshold, typical and excellent descriptors ................................. 19
Postgraduate degrees.............................................................................................................. 22
Integrated undergraduate master's degrees ........................................................................... 24
5 List of references and further resources .......................................................... 25
6 Membership of the Advisory Groups for the Subject Benchmark
Statement for Computing................................................................................................. 26
Appendix 1 - Mapping and audit templates ................................................................ 29
Appendix 2 - Examples of ESD approaches ............................................................... 30
Appendix 3 - Foundations of computer science courses ....................................... 33
About this Statement
This document is a QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Computing that defines what can
be expected of a graduate in the subject, in terms of what they might know, do and
understand at the end of their studies. Subject Benchmark Statements also describe the
nature and characteristics of awards in a particular subject or area. Subject Benchmark
Statements are published in QAA's capacity as a membership organisation on behalf of the
higher education sector. A summary of the Statement is also available on the QAA website.
Key changes from the previous Subject Benchmark Statement include:
a revised structure for the Statement which includes the introduction of
cross-cutting themes of:
- equality, diversity and inclusion
- education for sustainable development
employability, entrepreneurship and enterprise education
a comprehensive review updating the context and purposes of Computing, including
course design and content in order to inform and underpin the revised benchmark
the new Statement covers bachelor's, integrated master's and postgraduate taught
master's degrees in a single unifying Statement.
How can I use this document?
Subject Benchmark Statements are often used by higher education providers in the design
and development of new courses in the relevant subject, as they provide a framework for
specifying intended learning outcomes in an academic or vocational discipline. They are also
used as a reference point when reviewing or revalidating degree courses. They may be used
by external examiners in considering whether the design of a course and the threshold
standards of achievement are comparable with other higher education providers. They also
provide professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs) with the academic standards
expected of students.
Subject Benchmark Statements provide general guidance for articulating the learning
outcomes associated with a course but are not intended to represent a national curriculum in
a subject or to prescribe set approaches to teaching, learning or assessment. Instead, they
allow for flexibility and innovation in course design within a framework agreed by the subject
You may want to read this document if you are:
involved in the design, delivery and review of courses in Computing
a prospective student thinking about undertaking a course in Computing
an employer, to find out about the knowledge and skills generally expected of
Computing graduates.
Relationship to legislation and regulation
The responsibility for academic standards lies with the higher education provider who
awards the degree. Higher education providers are responsible for meeting the requirements
of legislation and any other regulatory requirements placed upon them by their relevant
funding and regulatory bodies. This Statement does not interpret legislation, nor does it
incorporate statutory or regulatory requirements.
The regulatory status of the Statement will differ with regard to the educational jurisdictions
of the UK. In England, Subject Benchmark Statements are not sector-recognised standards
as set out under the Office for Students' regulatory framework
. However, they are specified
as a key reference point, as appropriate, for academic standards in Wales under Quality
Assessment Framework for Wales and in Scotland as part of the Quality Enhancement
Framework. Subject Benchmark Statements are part of the current quality requirements in
Northern Ireland. Because the Statement describes outcomes and attributes expected at the
threshold standard of achievement in a UK-wide context, many higher education providers
will use them as an enhancement tool for course design and approval, and for subsequent
monitoring and review, in addition to helping demonstrate the security of academic
Additional sector reference points
Higher education providers are likely to consider other reference points in addition to this
Statement in designing, delivering and reviewing courses. These may include requirements
set out by PSRBs and industry or employer expectations. QAA has also published
and Guidance to support the Quality Code which will be helpful when using this Statement,
for example, in course design, learning and teaching, external expertise and monitoring and
Explanations of unfamiliar terms used in this Subject Benchmark Statement can be found in
QAA's Glossary. Sources of information about other requirements and examples of guidance
and good practice are signposted within the Statement where appropriate.
1 Context and purposes of a Computing degree
1.1 This Subject Benchmark Statement refers to courses of study in Computing,
bachelor's degrees with honours
integrated undergraduate master's degrees
postgraduate degrees that are generalist in nature
postgraduate degrees that are specialist in nature
courses designed to be studied in part-time mode at both undergraduate and
postgraduate levels
undergraduate and postgraduate degree apprenticeships.
1.2 This version represents a content review and a collation of previous Subject
Benchmark Statements that had separate documents for bachelor's, integrated
undergraduate master's and postgraduate taught master's courses of study. It has been
produced by a group of subject specialists drawn from, and acting on behalf of, the subject
community. The Statement makes reference to the Association of Computer Machinery's
(ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) Computing Curricula
2020 as a source for guidance on detailed curriculum content.
1.3 It also provides a reference point for multidisciplinary courses that provide a joint
programme with a substantial core of computing, for example, business and computing and
data science.
Purposes of a Computing degree
1.4 The reasons for studying computing are as diverse as its domains of application.
Some students are attracted by the depth and intellectual richness of the theory, others by
the possibility of engineering large and complex systems. Many study computing for
vocational reasons, or because it gives them the opportunity to explore creative and dynamic
technologies. Many also study to improve their employment prospects in a rapidly evolving
global digital skills economy. Whatever the perspective, computing can claim characteristics
that, while present in other disciplines, are rarely present in such quantities and
combinations. Particular emphasis has been placed within this Subject Benchmark
Statement on meeting the needs of this rapidly evolving global digital skills economy through
providing more equitable processes for learning, and subsequently earning, and, in so doing,
addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular 4, 5 and 8,
which emphasise the need for inclusive lifelong learning, gender equality and sustainable
economic growth, respectively.
Characteristics of a Computing degree
1.5 Computing is concerned with the understanding, design and exploitation of
computation and computer technologies. It is a discipline that:
blends elegant theories (including those derived from a range of other disciplines
such as mathematics, engineering, psychology, graphical design or well-founded
experimental insight) with the solution of immediate practical problems
underpins the development of both small and large-scale systems that are secure,
reliable, usable and that support organisational goals
helps individuals in their everyday lives and realise their career aspirations
is pervasive, ubiquitous and diversely applied to a range of applications, and
important components are often invisible to the naked eye.
1.6 Computing promotes innovation and creativity. It requires a disciplined approach to
problem solving. It approaches design and development through selection from alternative
possibilities justified by carefully crafted arguments. It controls complexity first through
abstraction and simplification, and then by the integration of components. Above all, it is a
product of human ingenuity and provides major intellectual challenges, yet this limits neither
the scope of computing nor the complexity of the application domains addressed.
1.7 Computing as a discipline is attractive to innovation, and this can equally arise from
the foundational intellectual areas, for example algorithmics and cryptography, as from
technology-driven opportunities.
1.8 It is hardly surprising that the diversity of computing is reflected in the varied titles
and curricula that higher education providers have given to their computing-related degree
courses. While this Statement aims to capture the nature of computing as a discipline,
individual higher education providers may need to draw on a wider range of materials and
resources, including ethics and data regulation or other Subject Benchmark Statements, to
capture fully the specific character of their particular degree courses.
1.9 Computing degrees will continue to evolve in response to developments in the
subject area and to reflect changes in the school curriculum. This Statement therefore
concentrates on general graduate outcomes and does not specify a core computing
1.10 Computing degrees often integrate a period of time working within a company or
similar organisation, as an intern or placement student. Placements offer the opportunity for
students to apply and validate their learning and skills in the context of the world of
employment and to provide early exposure to the development of professional competence
as enshrined within the skills expressed in the particular course of study.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
1.11 The pervasiveness of the computing discipline can enable a curriculum which is
relevant and authentic, relates to real and current challenges, and able to promote greater
social justice and equity. The curriculum should also speak to and be valued by every
student, while addressing issues that are important to them. Culturally responsive computing
approaches that recognise and value students' cultures can bring about ways for students to
reflect and engage with issues of representation, exclusion, disadvantage and structurally
embedded advantage. The curriculum should engage students in meaningful, culturally-
contexed practical tasks in a welcoming and collaborative environment, as well as ensuring
that technological solutions do not emerge with unintentional bias and limited insight into the
diversity of the people who will develop and use them.
1.12 Curricula should therefore actively represent all students, acknowledging and
removing existing biases, and enabling and supporting all students equally. For example,
traditionally, the computer science field has suffered from gender imbalance, in part as a
result of structurally genderised terminology, approaches to teaching and learning and the
historical context in which the subject has developed.
1.13 Students can be significantly impacted by the way courses are structured, delivered
and assessed. Understanding these potential impacts and how best to address them,
through making reasonable adjustments, is key to providing a course that meets the needs
of all students. For example, providing accessible content ahead of learning activities,
supporting all students with both individual and group learning activities, ensuring
personalised learning support is effectively combined with learning activities and providing
different options for how learners can engage with the learning content all help to address
such impacts.
1.14 The statements below provide an auditable list of equitable practices and processes
by which greater equality and accessibility can be achieved. Course and module content and
delivery may be mapped to these statements (Appendix 1), along with supporting examples
and evidence, to demonstrate the processes by which greater equality, diversity and
inclusion can be achieved.
Courses of study and their providers could consider:
how to demonstrate due regard for unlawful and/or inappropriate conduct with
consideration given to people with a protected characteristic (age, disability, gender
reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual
means for mitigating disadvantages suffered by people with a protected
characteristic where these are different from the needs of other people, enable
people within protected groups to take part in activities where their participation is
disproportionately low and foster good relations between people who share a
protected characteristic and those who do not
equitable measures that discernibly address how teaching, learning and
assessment promotes equality in relation to legislative protected characteristics,
including special educational needs, age, disability (overt and hidden), gender
reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual
orientation as well as being sensitive to and promoting a curriculum that is broadly
providing a variety of perspectives on computing topics and ensuring that case
studies used as exemplars or as assessments are drawn from a diverse range,
highlighting global perspectives, featuring diverse cultures and communities,
showcasing the historical and cultural integration of computing and the diverse
people who do computing
providing inclusive opportunities for collaborative and team-based problem-solving
where students can share, and possibly use as drivers for problem-solving, their
own experiences and perspectives, without judgement or prejudice
the development of the wider skills and behaviours for professional communication,
collaborative working and reflective practice that are respectful, accessible and
inclusive of all, at both the intercultural and intracultural; that is, between cultures
and within a culture
providing opportunities to involve students as co-creators of the curriculum to
ensure that the vocabulary of computing addresses non-inclusive language that can
be seen as confronting by under-represented groups
providing inclusive and engaging teaching, learning, assessment and feedback
strategies to support all students' development, success and employability, while
connecting with their identities, experiences and cultural capital
providing opportunities to democratise the physical and virtual learning spaces so
that they are equally accessible and inclusive for all students
the strategies required to mitigate or remove biases at each stage of the system life
cycle, or other approaches adopted in the context of the curriculum being delivered,
including developing reflective practice on own biases
addressing the differential and social impact of technology in relation to people who
share a protected characteristic and those who do not, paying attention to
intersectionality and lack of representation
acknowledging and addressing how divisions and hierarchies of colonial value are
replicated and reinforced within the computing subject. For more information,
please see Decolonising of curriculum
highlighting methods of ethically aligned participatory design and human-centred
computing that embed all stakeholders in the process
demonstrating areas in software engineering and application development that
require a professional and reflective approach to addressing bias and lack of
diversity in data and design of computing solutions, systems and protocols.
1.15 Computing courses should address the sustainable development agenda through
highlighting key economic, social and environmental issues that the discipline influences,
whether positively or negatively. Courses should enable students to develop core personal
and professional competencies to address the key societal challenges highlighted by the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 in their future working lives. The
Education for Sustainable Development Guidance
(QAA and Advance HE, 2021) outlines
pedagogic approaches for implementation in UK higher education institutions.
1.16 Across the Computing curriculum, we should be considering the broad definition of
sustainable development, which encompasses economic and social sustainable
development as well as environmental, and thinking about how the material that we teach
links to these goals. There will be places where environmental sustainability can be
discussed, for example, the resource consumption of massive data centres used for cloud
computing, and more generally, the environmental costs of both building hardware to
support computing and disposing of electronic waste. Sustainable development also links
with equality, diversity and inclusion; therefore, issues around social justice and economic
prosperity can also be brought into the discussion in many areas of computing, alongside
developing curricula that are global in outlook and that support inclusive lifelong learning and
economic prosperity for all.
1.17 There are 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, but there are close relationships
between them, and identifying one goal that is relevant is likely to lead to more. This Subject
Benchmark Statement does not attempt to prescribe exactly which goals should be
discussed in a Computing degree course, because computing is such a diverse field. The
introduction of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is still emerging within the
computing discipline, with providers exploring the effectiveness of alternative approaches,
with some specific examples of practice being presented in Appendix 2. These are intended
to be illustrative rather than prescriptive; consider how these ideas would apply to the
particular focus of a specific Computing degree. In broad terms, commonly adopted
approaches include:
specific modules which focus directly upon Sustainability or closely related areas
such as green IT
embedding Sustainability as a key theme in appropriate areas such as professional
issues related delivery
addressing Sustainability in an integral manner as cross-curricula concern with
relevant issues being flagged as their relevance emerges, such as within
requirements for engineering, cloud computing, machine learning, green IT as
relates to infrastructure
addressing Sustainability indirectly via the use of case studies/projects that address
other aspects of the curricula but in doing so cover education for sustainable
1.18 Irrespective of the approach adopted, the intention is that Computing graduates
should have an appreciation of domain-relevant issues related to sustainable development
and the emergent manner by which these issues might be addressed.
Entrepreneurship and enterprise education
In this context, entrepreneurship and enterprise education are interpreted as referring to
employability in its widest context.
1.19 Preparing computing students to move successfully from education into
employment is an essential part of a degree course. While there are other departments
within institutions that will support students in taking the next steps in their career together
with a personal responsibility for the student themselves to take ownership, it is imperative
that the development of employability skills is embedded into Computing courses, with the
following section acting as a guide. Entrepreneurship and enterprise education are important
factors to consider in relation to employability skills because their specific inclusion in degree
curricula contributes to raising the employability levels of Computing graduates and the
section below should be read in conjunction with
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Education: Guidance for UK Higher Education Providers (QAA, 2018).
Personal, professional and academic skills
Generic skills
Ability to work with professional and behavioural integrity.
Awareness of the legal and ethical factors and principles in the professional
environment of computing.
Awareness of sustainability issues related to the computing discipline/profession.
Demonstrable understanding of computing as a global profession.
Responsible use and application of social media in a professional environment. This
to include professional online communication, email etiquette and the development
of an online presence.
Critical reflection skills and the ability to communicate effectively in writing, verbally
and electronically.
Apply a high standard of numeracy and literacy.
Ability to interact with others in a professional and respectful way.
Understand and demonstrate respect for the values of equality and diversity across
a range of different industries and business sectors within the broad computing
professional workplace (see Equality, diversity and inclusion on page 4).
Understand the role of a leader in setting directions and taking responsibility for
actions and decisions.
Communicate with confidence at face-to-face and virtual meetings.
Agile working
Ability to work with agility and flexibility in response to changing situations
and priorities.
Ability to interpret data and information within both academic and professional
contexts in a timely way.
Ability to recognise and make best use of the skills and knowledge of individuals
to collaborate.
Ability to identify problems and desired outcomes and negotiate with colleagues to
achieve mutually acceptable solutions.
Remote working
Ability to work unsupervised, plan effectively and meet deadlines.
Ability to act confidently on one's own initiative.
Build social capital and apply professional networking skills.
Maintain an up-to-date critical understanding of the developments, challenges and
opportunities of the professional environment, both nationally and globally.
The ability to succinctly present rational and reasoned arguments that address a
given problem or opportunity, to a range of audiences (orally, electronically or
in writing).
Entrepreneurship and enterprise education
Active engagement in continuous professional development.
Contribute to the development of the profession and ability to apply an enterprising
and challenging approach.
The ability to locate and retrieve relevant ideas and ensure that these can be
effectively communicated in a variety of formats to a variety of audiences.
Recognise factors in environmental and societal contexts which present
opportunities and challenges for computing systems across a range of human
Subject-specific skills in computing (common core)
The subject-specific computing knowledge and skills specified elsewhere in this
Subject Benchmark Statement will form the basis of the body of knowledge that
an employer could reasonably expect a Computing graduate to be able to use
and apply.
Graduates should be able to link subject knowledge to business and industry by
discussing examples and cases studies of how their subject knowledge of
computing can be used by organisations.
Application of computing knowledge and computational thinking to solve complex
problems to the benefit and enhancement of the organisation or enterprise that the
graduate will be working in.
Ability to continuously plan and record self-learning and development in core
computing skills and applications of technology as the foundation for lifelong
learning and continuous professional development.
Developing employability skills through interdisciplinary thinking
Computing is widely taught in joint and interdisciplinary courses, for example,
management information systems, health informatics, computer science with
economics, and scientific computing, for which it may be appropriate to draw on
several Subject Benchmark Statements.
Interdisciplinary teamwork and creative thinking are important employability skills for
computing students. Interdisciplinary thinking promotes innovation, open-
mindedness and creativity. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of computing,
graduates should be able to apply computer science, data science and digital
technology to problem-solving in other disciplines.
Interdisciplinary project-based or problem-based learning in Computing courses
could be used to encourage students to explore content beyond computing
subjects, to draw insights from diverse disciplines and to apply them to the area of
focus to solve problems by integrating knowledge and experience which come from
computing and other disciplines.
Career prospects and employers' perspective
Career prospects
There is a huge range of different employment pathways open to graduates of
computing across organisation types: public and private sector, start-ups, scale-
ups, small to large enterprises; and role discipline: software engineer, cybersecurity,
data ethics; the list continues to grow. Graduates of computing should build an
understanding of potential employment pathways, their differing skills requirements
together with a self-awareness of personal skillsets, covering both technical and
more generic employability skills and how to match these to career aspirations.
Graduates should have the ability to communicate effectively how study and
experience provides evidence of personal strengths and skills and how these can
be effectively articulated to prospective employers, including the use of social media
platforms to support professional profile development.
Careers within computing have a high requirement for continuing professional
development (CPD) and courses should encourage students to explore how to
access CPD and how to build this into future career planning.
Course planning and development should include working with employers wherever
possible, to identify co-curricular activities such as bootcamps, hackathons, master
classes and the development of authentic assessment opportunities.
Employers' perspective
Courses should encourage students to explore the potential role of digital
technologies within the workplace and how to apply appropriate digital technologies,
techniques and principles to advance digital capabilities.
Employers will expect graduates to be able to demonstrate core skills required to
apply and advance digital technologies within the workplace and the development
of these skills should be included within courses.
Collaboration and teamwork: capability to work with other people, from a range of
cultures, to achieve common goals, for example through group work, group projects
and group presentations.
Self-management: a readiness to accept responsibility and flexibility, to be resilient,
self-starting and appropriately assertive, to plan, organise and manage time.
Self-reflection: self-analysis and an awareness/sensitivity to diversity in terms of
people and cultures, showing emotional intelligence and empathy.
Communication and listening: including the ability to produce clear, structured
communications using a variety of media.
Capability advancement: including networking with peers and horizon scanning to
identify opportunities to advance digital capabilities and create a better future.
2 Distinctive features of a Computing degree
2.1 The term computing applies to an increasingly diverse set of degree courses, all
based on the foundations of computer science. This Statement identifies computer science,
computer engineering, software engineering, information technology, information systems,
cybersecurity and data science as discipline areas and outlines the content covered by
these (Appendix 3). A Computing degree may include subject matter from more than one
discipline area.
2.2 This Statement does not specify a syllabus or include a body of knowledge. ACM, in
conjunction with IEEE and other professional societies, maintain and regularly update
curricula in several discipline areas (Appendix 3). These documents should be used to
inform course design and curriculum content.
2.3 Many higher education providers deliver degrees focused on specific aspects of
computing, for example computer networking, games, multimedia, artificial intelligence and
health informatics. These courses count as computing if their content is informed by one or
more of the discipline areas listed above. The mere fact that computers are deployed to
solve problems in a certain area does not itself make that area fall within the field of
2.4 Additionally, computing is widely taught in joint and interdisciplinary courses for
which it may be appropriate to draw on a number of Subject Benchmark Statements. This
Statement is the reference point for the computing component of such courses.
2.5 The title of a course cannot describe the whole of its content. However, course titles
are not divorced from graduate knowledge, skills and abilities. There are natural overlaps
between the different identified discipline areas and course specifications indicate careers
the course's graduates would be expected to proceed into. For example, a degree in
software engineering could include aspects of computer science, for example, formal
methods; and information technology, for example, user advocacy. However, the title
and course specification of the degree references the curriculum from the dominant
discipline area.
2.6 The following are fundamental requirements associated with all degree courses in
the topic and learning outcomes are identified and defined clearly, and their
relationship to the subject of computing and its applications is carefully captured in
the title of the award
courses are carefully designed to accommodate students who enter with a wide
range of accepted entrance qualifications
the relevant theoretical underpinnings, which may or may not be mathematical in
nature, are identified and should result in emphasis on those fundamental aspects
of a subject which do not change in the context of rapid technological development
the curriculum demonstrates an integration between theory and practice as well as
the planned development of a set of attitudes and an appreciation of a range of
applications and their impact on users
there is an appropriate integration between a set of classes that demonstrates
cohesion in content and a planned approach to the topic of the course
a major component is a substantial individual activity, or team activity that provides
substantial individual responsibility, that requires an awareness of material from
across the individual modules and which provides opportunities for students to
demonstrate a range of abilities and achievements
all undergraduate and master's degree courses will meet the outcomes of the
qualification descriptors identified in
The Frameworks for Higher Education
Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies.
2.7 In any discussion of accessibility in computing education, it is important to
recognise the unique responsibility that computing as a subject has to people with
disabilities. Technology can be transformational: tasks that previously were difficult or
impossible for some people can be made routine with the use of technology. However,
technology can also cause barriers to access, and care should be taken to ensure
technology acts to enable people rather than disable them.
2.8 As such, when we discuss accessibility in respect of computing education it must
encompass both the teaching and practice of universal access, following standards and
ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies. In terms of curricula, accessibility should
be treated as a standard part of computing. For example, where software development
lifecycles are taught, accessibility should be embedded as a concern along with other
concerns, such as the testing of software quality.
2.9 In terms of practice, curricula should be designed with accessibility in mind, meeting
statutory requirements as a minimum. Creating educational environments with accessibility
as a primary concern can enable students to study computing when without such
consideration, they would be unable to do so. For example, if a course requires students
to regularly attend a physical location on campus, this may place barriers in the way of
some students.
2.10 Over the course of a degree with honours (FHEQ Level 6; FQHEIS Level 10) a
Computing student will progress from one year of study to the next, in line with the
regulations and processes for each institution. However, it is expected that each year would
see the attainment of certain levels of knowledge, expertise and experience which builds
towards the final achievement of meeting all of the threshold-level subject-specific and
generic skills listed in this Statement. Upon graduation from an undergraduate degree, it
would be expected that a student who had achieved a second-class degree or higher would
be capable of, and equipped for, undertaking postgraduate study in computing or an
associated discipline.
2.11 Joint honours undergraduates will achieve elements of the specific and generic
skills for the subject but will add others according to the subjects covered in a joint
2.12 Integrated undergraduate master's degrees (FHEQ Level 7; FQHEIS Level 11) are
available in the UK and typically comprise a four-year full-time course or a part-time course
of not less than five and not more than eight academic years. Students exiting earlier may be
eligible for a Certificate of Higher Education, a Diploma of Higher Education or an honours
degree depending upon the years of study completed to a satisfactory standard. Similarly, in
a standard three-year undergraduate honours degree qualification, students may also exit
earlier with a Certificate or Diploma depending upon their achievements. Scottish bachelor's
degrees with honours are typically designed to include four years of study, which relates to
the structure of Scottish primary and secondary education.
2.13 Flexible educational approaches enable learners to adapt their education to their
situational and contextual individual needs and constraints. Flexible educational approaches
may also play a key role in increasing access into further and higher education and social
mobility. For example, such approaches could provide scope for learners to select
educational opportunities that are better suited to their current level of proficiency and
2.14 To this end, there may need to be:
flexible delivery modes, including but not limited to campus-based, online distance
learning, block release and hybrid (campus-based and online)
flexible study patterns in terms of intensity of study and start dates
flexible approaches to assessment tasks that enable learners to demonstrate
different competencies
greater focus on assessment that is authentic to learners; this may include project-
based tasks and teamwork, while maintaining academic rigour and theoretical
more flexible approaches to credits, for example the integration of micro-credentials
with traditional modular credits
flexible approaches to recruitment processes that recognise prior learning
(accreditation of prior certificated learning, APCL) and/or work experience in the
computing field (accreditation of prior experiential learning, APEL)
designing courses as online first may be useful in reducing and avoiding barriers to
flexible approaches
sufficiently flexible processes to develop and review courses of study so that course
teams are able to dynamically address the needs of learners, industry and society.
2.15 Many degree courses provide opportunities for work-based learning such as
, placements and live work-based projects. Other courses may offer
opportunities for study abroad. These opportunities are usually achieved through the higher
education provider working in partnership with other external organisations.
2.16 Further advice and guidance can be found on Partnerships and
2.17 Computing courses can benefit from other collaborations with external
organisations in activities such as curriculum design, talks, workshops, projects and visits.
An effective external/industry advisory board can help ensure courses are relevant to the
needs of the computing sector and advise on the development of employability skills.
Monitoring and review
2.18 A major feature of academic quality assurance and enhancement at a higher
education institution is having in place monitoring and regular review processes for the
courses it delivers. Degree-awarding bodies routinely collect and analyse information and
undertake periodic course review according to their own needs. They will draw on a range of
external reference points, including this Statement, to ensure that their provision aligns with
sector norms. Monitoring and evaluation is a periodic assessment of a course, conducted
internally or by external independent evaluators. Evaluation uses information from current
and historic monitoring to develop an understanding of student achievement and inform
future course planning. A combination of continuous and retrospective monitoring practices
is vital for the effective monitoring and review of courses of study.
2.19 Externality is an essential component of the quality assurance system in the UK.
Higher education providers will use external reviewers as part of periodic review to gain an
external perspective on any proposed changes and ensure threshold standards are
achieved and content is appropriate for the subject.
2.20 External examination currently in use across the UK higher education sector also
helps to ensure consistency in the way academic standards are secured by degree-awarding
bodies. Typically, external examiners will be asked to comment on the types, principles and
purposes of assessments being offered to students. They will consider the types of modules
on offer to students, the outcomes of a cohort and how these compare to similar provision
offered within the UK. External examiners produce a report each year and make
recommendations for changes to modules and assessments (where appropriate). Subject
Benchmark Statements, such as this one, can play an important role in supporting external
examiners in advising on whether threshold standards are being met in a specific subject
2.21 Courses with professional and vocational outcomes may also require evaluation
and accreditation from professional and regulatory bodies. These are usually done through a
combination of site visits and desk-based reviews.
2.22 Additionally, courses should also consider the inclusion of learners in their
monitoring and review processes as part of their student-staff partnership work.
3 Content, structure and delivery
3.1 Computing is any purposeful activity using, exploiting or creating computing
equipment and services. As equipment and services rapidly change there is an increasing
need to shift from experience and end qualification-based recruitment processes to more
fluid, talent-based approaches where badges, micro-credentials, skills-based hiring and
lifelong learning play an increasingly important role in enabling global learner-earners to
move more seamlessly between education and employment.
3.2 Within this context, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees will continue to
represent important milestones for learners entering the workforce, but they are also
expected to play a more important role in reskilling the workforce as economic requirements
change. As more granular micro-credentialing plays an increasing role in meeting employer
needs there is also an increasing emphasis on both undergraduate and postgraduate
degrees continuing to meet the needs of employers and learners as springboards into
careers, both initially and as learner-earners adapt and retrain both in the UK and overseas.
Providing content that can be added to learner-earners' existing achievements, without
duplication and unnecessary additional study, will therefore become increasingly important in
supporting an adaptive global workforce.
3.3 Traditionally, computing stakeholders have included employers, professional bodies
(representing employer expectations as well as providing aligned training), cross-sector
educational institutions and regulatory organisations. As education and employment
becomes increasingly global, international organisations such as the OECD, UNESCO,
World Bank and International Labour Organization also play an increasingly important role,
especially in defining future educational and workforce requirements. Within this context it is
important, in particular, to consider future skills requirements in the next 10 to 15 years, as
discussed, for example, in the OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 project
, and the
increasingly important role of twenty-first century skills within employment. Both point to a
need to more clearly and effectively communicate what would traditionally be seen as non-
technical capabilities and competencies alongside technical capabilities and competencies
and to provide a global and skills-based perspective when contextualising the curriculum.
3.4 Pedagogically, educators should consider the balance between subject-specific and
transferable skills development in both curriculum and assessment, opportunities for
personalised learning and evidencing of individual capability and competency development
within courses and the balance between educational and workforce requirements as courses
are developed and maintained. The value of learning, in providing both learner-earner
agency and value to society and the economy, should be both clear and wherever possible
differentiated between learners. Problem-solving and artefact creation form core parts of the
computing discipline and enabling learners to evidence these within a curriculum in ways
they understand and can communicate with others are encouraged. The use of capstone
activity as well as teamwork is encouraged within courses.
Teaching and learning
3.5 There is an increasing emphasis on being able to recognise, record and
communicate capability and competency development and performance both within
education and employment. In the context of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, this
highlights the increasing need, in particular, to evidence learning of computing
competencies; that is, the application of computing capabilities in applied contexts. Typically,
these contexts would be work-based, such as those traditionally provided through
apprenticeships, internships, placements and live projects with clients. However, as the
demarcation between education and employment becomes more blurred it is likely that other
forms of competency measure may play an increasing role in recognition, such as online
evaluations, role-playing scenarios and gig-economy/commissioned work.
3.6 Alongside a shift to more flexible recording and recognition of education and
employment, there is also a need for individuals to become better able to control their own
learner-earner journeys. Having agency over their personal performance requires both a
better understanding of themselves and appropriate tools and techniques to enable them to
self-regulate and to optimise their personal performance. As such, there is a greater
emphasis on educational institutions to provide opportunities for reflection, performance
monitoring, evaluation and feedback within learning to support a more personalised learning
journey. Portfolios, accommodation of non-formal and informal learning, flexible, adaptive
and personalised assessment approaches and better use of evaluative data such as careers
information and learning analytics provide opportunities to support a more fluid and
responsive learning experience.
3.7 Computing courses deploy a diverse range of teaching approaches, which is a
strength of the subject. The teaching methods employed should have the potential to firstly
deliver a range of learning that can be demonstrated through the achievement of learning
outcomes, indicating capability. They should also ensure that learners have competence in
specific areas of computing, which requires an ability to work independently in these areas.
3.8 Competence is often achieved through repeated exposure to practical coursework,
both individual and group-work. While small projects can be developmental, competence
typically requires work to be completed that is of a significant scale and/or complexity and
that is undertaken in a real or simulated work context or is addressing real world
3.9 Teaching should encourage students to reflect, evaluate, select, justify,
communicate and be innovative in their problem-solving; and prepare them to become
adaptable independent learners throughout their lifelong learner-earner journey. Students
should be exposed to a range of tools and techniques relevant to their course, including
bespoke, open source and commercially available approaches. The diverse prior learning,
capabilities, competencies and experiences should be understood and accommodated.
Learning barriers should be minimised wherever possible to enable all learners to be as
successful as possible. Equality, diversity and inclusion within the curriculum should be
carefully considered as outlined in section 1.
3.10 Curriculum design should reflect appropriate research, scholarship and the ability to
make an informed choice as to which is the most appropriate approach to use in a specific
context, alongside current industrial and business practices. Teaching needs to be placed
within the context of the legal, social, ethical, professional, environmental and economic
factors that are relevant to computing. In addition to technical subjects such as security, the
curriculum should use an inclusive design approach and also include relevant aspects of
sustainability as well as equality, diversity and inclusion. The attitudes and values of
graduates should also be developed to enable them to thrive in a diverse and rapidly
changing subject such as computing.
3.11 To ensure students have sufficient underpinning, the early stages of undergraduate
courses will typically expose students to a broad range of computing topics, becoming more
focused in the final year. Generalist master's, where no prior subject knowledge may have
been studied, will typically focus on meeting the minimum subject knowledge required of a
Computing graduate. Generalist master's may be designed to offer a broad underpinning or
to focus on particular niche areas such as software testing. Specialist master's (and the final
year of integrated undergraduate master's) will typically be more focused on specific aspects
of the subject. In addition to increasing focus, progression through Levels should also reflect
a move from general underpinning to current research and state of the art. Further, it is
important that progression reflects increasing levels of independent learning, so students
learn how to learn for themselves, supporting their future development and enabling them to
retain currency throughout their career.
3.12 The curriculum will define the knowledge students will gain and the course learning
outcomes indicate the areas in which graduates will have knowledge competence or
capability. However, individual students are expected to have the opportunity to develop a
greater level of competence in some aspects of computing. These areas could also be linked
to specific applied learning contexts, the particular focus of their major capstone activity, or a
student's chosen pathway through optional modules on the course. Individual students could
highlight their competencies, for example, in a learning portfolio, through the achievement of
badges linked to micro-credentials, or in their curriculum vitae.
3.13 The hardware and software resources available should facilitate a practical
approach to the delivery of the course. Staff delivering Computing courses should be able to
demonstrate ongoing personal development in the subject and appropriate pedagogy. Such
activity should be supported at institutional level. Normally, staff would be qualified to a level
beyond the level they are teaching and would also have undertaken, or be undertaking, a
teaching qualification relevant to higher education.
3.14 Institutions offering integrated undergraduate specialist master's courses must be
able to articulate the legitimacy of providing education in the course topic. Although there are
other possibilities, this will often mean that the institution possesses staff who are at the
forefront of developments in the topic of the course and engaged in related advanced
3.15 Computing graduates need to have acquired a strong grounding in underpinning
knowledge alongside an ability to apply that knowledge to support future lifelong learning
and the development of competence in new technologies as they are developed. Typically,
students would demonstrate their ability to learn and apply a new approach or as part of the
major activity that takes place towards the end of their course.
3.16 Course delivery should incorporate opportunities for applied learning in an authentic
or simulated work context, such as industrial placements or apprenticeships. Working in
teams of several people on sizable projects can simulate the real-world environment as well
as exposing students to complexity. Projects defined in collaboration with industrial partners
or research groups can enhance student learning and stimulate and promote interest in self-
regulated learning as well as exposing students to aspects such as legal or ethical issues,
demonstrating their relevance and importance.
3.17 Assessment for Computing courses should be varied, appropriate and engaging.
Perhaps most importantly, assessments should be authentic and tied to real-world contexts
and constraints, and also allow students to practically demonstrate the skills they have
3.18 Academic integrity is a key concept here and assessment design plays a critical
role in enabling all students to succeed to the best of their abilities. Assessment techniques
should afford students the opportunities to showcase what they can do, not just what they
can write about, while also ensuring that checkpoints are in place to ensure that only work
produced by students themselves is being assessed, for example by following the principles
in the QAA's contract cheating guidance.
3.19 Computing courses often conclude with a capstone activity, which brings together
knowledge and practical and analytical skills that learners have developed throughout the
course. This may take the form of a traditional project or end-point assessment, but other
formats can be appropriate, whether research or practice-led.
3.20 A traditional written dissertation may not be suitable for all Computing courses, so a
capstone activity may also include the production of academic papers, the development of a
professional portfolio or work on entrepreneurial activities. Such activities at master's level
should have a greater focus on drawing upon research literature.
4 Benchmark standards
4.1 This Subject Benchmark Statement sets out the minimum threshold standards that
a student will have demonstrated when they are awarded an honours degree in Computing.
Demonstrating these standards over time will show that a student has achieved the range of
knowledge, understanding and skills expected of graduates in computing. Benchmark
standards are defined for bachelor's degrees with honours, integrated undergraduate
master's degrees, postgraduate master's degrees and degree apprenticeships in Computing.
4.2 The benchmark standards are defined relative to the appropriate FHEQ Level 6 or 7
(FQHEIS Level 10 or 11) specification and associated descriptors. As such, their application
to an individual course is necessarily contextual. As Computing degrees are often accredited
by UK professional bodies, for example through the British Computer Society, the Institute
for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, sector skills bodies or other Engineering
Council recognised accreditors, all professional competency standards will apply in many
4.3 The vast majority of students will perform significantly better than the minimum
threshold standards. Each higher education provider has its own method of determining
what appropriate evidence of this achievement will be and should refer to
Annex D: Outcome
classification descriptions for FHEQ Level 6 and FQHEIS Level 10 degrees. This Annex sets
out common descriptions of the four main degree outcome classifications for bachelor's
degrees with honours: 1st, 2:1, 2:2 and 3rd. While it is expected these benchmarks will
provide the foundation for awards, it is understood that variances may arise for reasons of
institutional autonomy or subject evolution, and that any deviation from these standards be
identified and justified.
Undergraduate standards: threshold, typical and excellent
4.4 Three levels of attainment are defined across a range of course outcome
4.5 With regard to undergraduate courses, those graduating with a bachelor's honours
degree in Computing must demonstrate at least a threshold level of attainment across all
outcome categories. Threshold level attainment typically maps onto that associated with a
3rd class honours. The typical level descriptor defines outcomes usually associated with 2:1.
or 2:2. class honours performance. The excellent descriptor defines outcomes usually
associated with a 1st class honours. It is not expected that a 1st class honours student must
demonstrate excellent attainment in all outcome categories.
4.6 See paragraphs 4.7-4.17 for details on how the threshold, typical and excellent
attainment descriptors apply to integrated undergraduate master's degrees and
postgraduate master's degrees.
and skills
Demonstrate a
understanding of the
main body of
knowledge for their
Demonstrate a sound
understanding of the
main body of
knowledge for their
subject and be able to
exercise critical
judgement in the use
of that knowledge
Demonstrate an
understanding of the
main body of
knowledge for their
subject and be able to
exercise insightful and
critical judgement in
the use of that
knowledge. Be
creative and
innovative in the
application of the
principles covered in
the curriculum, and be
able to go beyond
what has been taught
in classes
Understand and
apply essential
concepts, principles
and practices of the
subject in the
context of well-
defined scenarios,
showing judgement
in the selection and
application of tools
and techniques
Critically analyse and
apply concepts,
principles and
practices of the
subject in the context
of loosely defined
scenarios, showing
effective judgement
and adaptability in the
selection and use of
tools and techniques
Critically analyse and
apply a wide range of
concepts, principles
and practices of the
subject in the context
of open scenarios,
showing refined
judgement and
adaptability in the
selection and use of
tools and techniques
Be able to
judgement, critical
thinking and
skills to solve well-
specified problems,
to create
artefacts with a
degree of
Be able to
demonstrate detailed
judgement, critical
thinking and problem-
solving skills to solve
both well-specified
and loosely defined
problems, to create
Be able to
judgement, critical
thinking, research
design, and well-
developed problem-
solving skills with a
high degree of
autonomy, and to
create highly effective
artefacts across
complex and
across the
Demonstrate the
ability to undertake
identification and
analysis to
design, develop,
test, integrate or
Demonstrate the
ability to undertake
problem identification
and analysis to
appropriately design,
develop, test,
integrate or deploy a
complex computing
Demonstrate the
ability to undertake
problem identification
and analysis to
appropriately design,
develop, test,
integrate or deploy a
highly complex
deploy a computing
system and any
associated artefacts;
understand the
relationship between
system and any
associated artefacts;
understand the
relationship between
stages and be able to
demonstrate related
problem-solving and
evaluative skills
computing system
and any associated
artefacts; deeply
understand the
relationship between
stages and be able to
demonstrate related
problem-solving and
evaluative skills
team working
skills (see also
and enterprise
Demonstrate the
ability to work in an
effective manner,
including as a
member of a team,
making use of tools
and techniques to
manage tasks and
plan projects under
Demonstrate the
ability to work in a
proactive and
effective manner,
including as a
member of a team,
making good use of
tools and techniques
to successfully
manage tasks and
plan projects with
minimum guidance
Demonstrate the
ability to work in a
highly proactive and
manner, including as
a leading member of
a team, making
excellent use of tools
and techniques to
manage tasks and
plan projects with
minimum guidance
practice (see also
Equality, diversity
and inclusion,
Sustainability and
and enterprise
Identify appropriate
practices and
perform work within
a professional, legal
and ethical
including data
management and
use, security,
equality, diversity
and inclusion (EDI)
and sustainability
in the work that they
Identify appropriate
practices and effect
principled solutions
within a professional,
legal and ethical
framework to address
core considerations
including data
management and
use, security, equality,
diversity and inclusion
(EDI) and
sustainability in the
work that they
Identify best-of-kind
practices and effect
highly principled
solutions within a
professional, legal
and ethical framework
to consistently
address a wide
breadth of relevant
including data
management and
use, security, equality,
diversity and inclusion
(EDI) and
sustainability in the
work that they
Postgraduate degrees
4.7 A broad range of postgraduate Computing degrees can be defined. With reference
to the QAA characteristics statement on master's degrees
, this includes specialised
postgraduate degrees that provide learners with an opportunity to deepen their study,
typically within a specific area. It also includes professional and practice-based postgraduate
degrees, including those that may attract entrants from a diverse range of undergraduate
4.8 Nonetheless, all master's degree graduates have in-depth and advanced
knowledge and understanding of their subject and/or profession, informed by current
practice, scholarship and research. This will include a critical awareness of current issues
and developments in the subject and/or profession; critical skills; knowledge of professional
responsibility, integrity and ethics; and the ability to reflect on their own progress as a
4.9 Graduates of research master's are likely to be further characterised by their ability
to study independently in the subject, and to use a range of techniques and research
methods applicable to advanced scholarship in the subject. Graduates of specialist or
advanced study master's are likely to be characterised in particular by their ability to
complete a research project in the subject, which in some subjects includes a critical review
of existing literature or other scholarly outputs. Meanwhile, graduates of professional or
practice master's are able to apply research and critical perspectives to professional
situations, both practical and theoretical, and to use a range of techniques and research
methods applicable to their professional activities.
4.10 Graduates of all types of master's degrees are equipped to enter a variety of types
of employment (either subject-specific or generalist) or to continue academic study at a
higher level, for example a doctorate (provided that they meet the necessary entry
requirements). Graduates of professional/practice master's courses in particular possess the
skills and experience necessary for some professions or areas of practice.
4.11 The broad range of postgraduate Computing degrees entails that the full range of
course outcome categories, as identified in Undergraduate standards: threshold, typical and
excellent descriptors, may not apply to all courses.
4.12 In all cases, the content of the course should align to the FHEQ Level 7/SCQF
Level 11 specification.
4.13 With reference to the descriptors outlined in Undergraduate standards: threshold,
typical and excellent descriptors, students graduating with a postgraduate degree in
Computing must demonstrate at least a threshold level of attainment across all relevant
course outcome categories. Attainment at a threshold level usually maps onto that
associated with a Pass award.
4.14 The typical level descriptor defines outcomes usually associated with the typical
threshold performance across all relevant course outcome categories. Attainment at a typical
level usually maps onto that associated with a Pass/Merit or Commendation award. The
excellent descriptor defines outcomes usually associated with the award of a Distinction. It is
not expected that such a student must demonstrate excellent attainment in all outcome
and skills
Demonstrate a systematic
understanding of knowledge, as
appropriate to the area of study,
much of which is at, or informed
by, the forefront of their academic
discipline, field of study or area of
professional practice. Alongside
this, demonstrate a critical
awareness of current problems
and/or recent development within
the discipline.
Demonstrate a degree of
originality in the application of
knowledge, together with a
practical understanding of how
established investigative
techniques of research and
enquiry are used to create and
interpret knowledge in the
Demonstrate a deep and
systematic understanding of
knowledge, as appropriate to the
area of study, much of which is
at, or informed by, the forefront of
their academic discipline, field of
study or area of professional
practice. Alongside this,
demonstrate a critical awareness
and advanced understanding of
current problems and/or recent
development within the
Demonstrate originality in the
application of knowledge,
together with a practical and
reflective understanding of how
established and state-of-the-art
investigative techniques of
research and enquiry are used to
create and interpret knowledge in
the discipline.
Be able to analyse, apply and
critically evaluate concepts,
principles and practices at the
forefront of the area of study.
Be able to deeply analyse, apply
and critically evaluate concepts,
principles and practices at the
forefront of the area of study,
demonstrating insight and
innovation, and application of
these skills as appropriate.
Be able to demonstrate
judgement, critical thinking,
research design, and well-
developed problem-solving skills
with a high degree of autonomy,
and to create effective
computational artefacts given
complex or open constraints.
Be able to demonstrate
innovation and/or originality,
sophisticated judgement, critical
thinking, research design and
well-developed problem-solving
skills with a high degree of
autonomy, and to create
comprehensive and highly
effective computational artefacts
given complex or open
computing skills
Demonstrate the ability to apply
computing techniques, as
appropriate to the area of study,
within complex or unpredictable
scenarios, in a systematic
manner, making appropriate
decisions given incomplete or
missing data.
Demonstrate the ability to apply
state-of-the-art computing
techniques, as appropriate to the
area of study, within highly
complex or unpredictable
scenarios, in a systematic and
creative manner, making
insightful decisions given
incomplete or missing data.
learning and
Demonstrate elements of self-
direction in tackling and solving
problems, alongside approaching
Demonstrate self-direction in
tackling and solving complex
problems, alongside approaching
and implementing tasks and
activities in a proactive and
effective manner.
and implementing tasks and
activities in a highly proactive
and effective manner.
Ability to communicate their work
to specialist and a diverse range
of non-specialist audiences.
Identify appropriate practices in
complex and unpredictable
professional environments, and
perform work within a
professional, legal and ethical
framework including data
management and use, security,
equality, diversity and inclusion
(EDI) and sustainability in the
work that they undertake.
Ability to communicate their work
to specialist and non-specialist
audiences in an accessible and
impactful way.
Identify and effect best-of-kind
and highly principled solutions in
complex and unpredictable
professional environments, within
a professional, legal and ethical
framework to consistently
address a wide breadth of
relevant considerations
including data management and
use, security, equality, diversity
and inclusion (EDI) and
sustainability in the work they
Integrated undergraduate master's degrees
4.15 Integrated undergraduate master's degrees (MComp, MEng and MSci) include and
build upon the outcomes of bachelor's degrees with honours to provide a greater range and
depth of outcomes. An integrated course of study typically involves study equivalent
to at least four full-time academic years in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and five
in Scotland (
paragraph 4.17.4).
4.16 The descriptive characteristics associated with an integrated undergraduate
master's degree as defined within the QAA Characteristics Statement on master's degrees
are considered to apply within this Statement.
4.17 Students graduating with an integrated undergraduate master's degrees in
computing must demonstrate at least a threshold level of attainment across all descriptors in
both FHEQ Levels 6 and 7, or FQHEIS Level 10 and 11 in paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3.
5 List of references and further resources
QAA, 2021, Quality Enhancement Review
QAA, Quality Enhancement Framework
Computing Curricular 2020
Decolonising the Curriculum
QAA and Advance HE, 2021, Education for Sustainable Development
QAA, 2018, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education: Guidance for UK Higher Education
QAA, 2014, The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding
QAA, 2019, Characteristics Statement: Higher Education in Apprenticeships
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 project
QAA, 2020, Contracting to Cheat in Higher Education: How to Address Essay Mills and
Contract Cheating
The British Computer Society
Annex D: Outcome classification descriptions for FHEQ Level 6 and FQHEIS Level 10
QAA, 2020, Master's Degree Characteristics Statement's-degree-characteristics-statement.pdf
6 Membership of the Advisory Groups for the Subject
Benchmark Statement for Computing
Membership of the Advisory Group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Computing and Computing (Master's) (2022)
Dr Alan Hayes (Chair)
University of Bath
Professor Nik Bessis
Edge Hill University
Georgia Clarke
QAA Coordinator
Sarah Clowe
Keele University
Professor Tom Crick MBE
Swansea University
Dr Allison Gardner
Keele University
Professor Paul Hanna
Ulster University
Professor Philip Hanna
Queen's University Belfast
Professor Alastair Irons
British Computer Society
Dr Wendy Ivins
Cardiff University
Kevin Kendall
QAA Officer
Dr Sandi Kirkham
Staffordshire University
Dr Thomas Lancaster
Imperial College of Science, Technology and
Dr Mariana Lilley
University of Hertfordshire
Tom Lovell
Professor Minhua Eunice Ma
Falmouth University
Dr Emma Norling
University of Sheffield
Dr Preeti Patel
London Metropolitan University
Professor Shushma Patel
De Montfort University
Professor Karen Petrie
University of Dundee
Professor Mark Perry
Brunel University
Dr Tom Prickett
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Professor Rupert Ward
University of Huddersfield
Dr Ian Wilson
University of South Wales
QAA would like to thank Professor Elizabeth Cleaver, Professor Michael McLinden and the
Disabled Students' Commission for their valued contributions to the development of the
Membership of the Advisory Group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Computing and Computing (Master's) (2019)
The fourth edition, published in 2019, was revised by QAA to align the content with the
revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education, published in 2018. Proposed revisions were
checked and verified by one of the Co-Chairs of the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Computing from 2016.
Dr Alan Hayes
University of Bath
Dr Alison Felce
Membership of the Advisory Group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Computing (2015)
Details below appear as published in the third edition of Subject Benchmark Statement for
Computing (2015)
Dr Phil Brooke
Teesside University
Professor Christopher Clare
BCS Academic Accreditation Committee
Dr Tom Crick
BCS Academy
Professor Sally Fincher (Co-Chair)
University of Kent
Alan Hayes (Co-Chair)
University of Bath
Dr Iain Phillips
Loughborough University
Dr Alan Tully
University of Newcastle
Corresponding members
Professor Quintin Cutts
University of Glasgow
Professor Andrew McGettrick
University of Strathclyde
Robert Koger (Employer representative)
Vision Semantics and IET Academic
Accreditation Committee
Emilia Todorova (Student reader)
Glasgow Caledonian University
Janet Bohrer
Dr Tim Burton
Membership of the original Advisory Group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Computing (Master's) (2011)
Liz Bacon
University of Greenwich
Roger Boyle
University of Leeds
Laurence Brooks
Brunel University
Anne de Roeck
The Open University
Jeff Magee
Imperial College
Gerry McAllister
University of Ulster
Andrew McGettrick (Chair)
University of Strathclyde
Keith Mander
University of Kent
Elizabeth Friend (Coordinator)
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
Laura Bellingham (QAA Officer)
Membership of the Advisory Group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Computing (2007)
Details below appear as published in the second edition of Subject Benchmark Statement
for Computing (2007).
Dr Laurence Brooks
Brunel University
Graham Gough
The University of Manchester
Alastair Irons
University of Northumbria
Dr Gerry McAllister
University of Ulster
Professor Andrew McGettrick (Chair)
University of Strathclyde
Professor Keith Mander
University of Kent
Membership of the Advisory Group for the Subject Benchmark Statement for
Computing (2000)
Details below appear as published in the original Subject Benchmark Statement for
Computing (2000).
Professor J Arnott
University of Dundee
Professor D Budgen
Keele University
Dr PC Capon
University of Manchester
Mr G Davies
The Open University
Professor PJ Hodson
University of Glamorgan
Professor E Hull
University of Ulster
Professor G Lovegrove
Staffordshire University
Professor KC Mander
University of Kent at Canterbury
Professor A McGettrick (Chair)
University of Strathclyde
Mr P McGrath
Leeds Metropolitan University
Dr A Norman
University of Cambridge
Mr SJ Oldfield
University of Plymouth
Ms A Rapley
Kingston University
Professor VJ Rayward-Smith
University of East Anglia
Appendix 1 - Mapping and audit templates
1: QAA Computing Benchmark Statements mapping
This provides a mapping of the Subject Benchmark Statement for Computing to the EDI
statements. The intent is not to cover all possible actions and solutions but to provide a
prompt to how the statements can be meaningfully applied.
2: EDI audit template
The below EDI audit template allows schools and departments to map their strategies and
course content to the EDI statements. It is advised that the template be adapted for school-
level, programme-level and module-level mapping.
It is assumed that evidence of application of each EDI statement and sub-statements would
occur multiple times throughout.
Strategy and
Appendix 2 - Examples of ESD approaches
Illustrative examples of approaches to Education for Sustainable Development in current
computing curricula.
Further information
Specific module
Computer science
As an introductory or higher-level module,
Ken Abernethy and Kevin Treu (2014)
Integrating sustainability across the
computer science curriculum, Journal of
Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol 30,
issue 2, pp 220228
B. Penzenstadler et al, Everything is
INTERRELATED: Teaching Software
Engineering for Sustainability (2018)
IEEE/ACM 40th International Conference
on Software Engineering: Software
Engineering Education and Training (ICSE-
SEET), pp 153-162
Computer science
Within module entitled 'The Environmental
Impact of Modern Computing' in which
students study the effect that computing
has on the environment via mining and
mineral extraction, manufacturing and
transport, cloud computing and energy
Key theme
Professional issues
Students consider how technology is part of
the problem and part of the solution as part
of a professional issues module.
Taught material in a module on
Professional Issues on the sustainability
issues involved in the decisions we make
when designing computing systems, and on
how computing can be used to improve
what we do and our understanding of what
is happening.
Gordon N (2015) Sustainable Development
as a Framework for Ethics and Skills in
Higher Education Computing Courses, in:
Leal Filho W, Brandli L, Kuznetsova O,
Po A (eds) (2015) Integrative
Approaches to Sustainable Development at
University Level, World Sustainability
Series, Springer, Cham, available from:
Across the software engineering curriculum,
students are required to consider
inclusivity as a key concept in all their
designs. This includes accessible interface
design, and reflection on how all
stakeholders would access the technology.
Use of high-
performing computer
Ensuring that ratings of computers look at
FLOPS/watt as well as raw FLOPS, looking
at the power figures in 'Top 500', and also
stressing 'Green 500'.
Knowledge about environmental impact
related to production of silicon devices and
disposal of obsolete computing equipment.
Machine learning/
big data
Knowledge of the power consumption of
computer hardware, especially big data
processing and blockchain.
Skills in designing and writing code using
good practice to ensure that it is readable,
updatable and maintainable (and ideally
modular). This reduces total development
costs and extends the lifetime of software,
making the whole process more
Students are introduced to accessible
design principles in first year, then expected
to apply them in every subsequent design
project (particularly focusing on whether
any design decisions would limit access for
any stakeholder groups).
Frame CS1-style/introductory programming
module(s) around sustainability-themed
Jeffrey A Stone and Laura Cruz (2020)
Integrative learning in CS1: programming,
sustainability, and reflective writing, Journal
of Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol 35,
8, pp 4454.
Projects that use one or more of the UN's
Sustainable Development Goals as the
focus of the project. Can also involve
external partners and the development of
proof-of-concept prototypes.
Specific module
Business computing
The module explores ICT use and
implementation in areas such as education,
health, e-government and environmental
sustainability within the context of the UNs
Sustainable Development Goals. Students
critically appraise the range of ICT issues
within a developing country, chosen by
themselves from the OECD official
development assistance list. They research
issues that affect successful
implementation of ICTs and give
recommendations on the effective
implementation of ICTs and how certain
Sustainable Development Goals can be
achieved through use of ICTs.
During their placements, students highlight
the role that a company's conventional
practices (such as agile business
processes) can actually play in enhancing
its sustainability performance, and they also
highlight the commercial benefits of
environmental and social practices (such as
energy and resource efficiency).
Specific module
Computing -
Systems and
systems thinking
Students are required to read up on
Sustainable Development Goals and select
their own case study to base a systems
thinking analysis on. The output requires
presentation of causal maps, a rich picture,
and iceberg model and an impact gaps
canvas (a 'map the system' tool) as the
basis for the systems thinking investigation
of a Sustainable Development Goals
related problem.
Appendix 3 - Foundations of computer science courses
The term computing applies to an increasingly diverse set of degree courses based on the
foundations of computer science. There is a rich set of aspects associated with the
computing discipline, including (but not restricted to) the following.
Foundational issues
theoretical considerations intended to ensure a sound logical basis for the
discipline; complexity issues which address feasibility and efficiency concerns; the
existence of formal aspects which facilitate automation
principles of programming languages, compilers and programming environments
the concept of the algorithm, the concept of a pattern, and notions of reuse
ideas of abstraction and design, applied in the context of the domain knowledge
associated with particular applications and linked to problem-solving
life cycle and process concepts
professional, legal, social, cultural and ethical concerns.
Major technologies
techniques associated with software construction and development, including the
development of sociotechnical systems
electronic/chip design and system-level integration, including bio-inspired
computing systems, including multicore processors and their exploitation, parallel
and vector processing systems, distributed systems, cloud computing, quantum
computing and grid computing
pervasive computing, including networks, the internet, mobile computing systems,
cybersecurity and social networking systems; the interface with telecommunications
and the exploitation of modern communication systems
methods and techniques for information management, based around sound
principles for updating and maintaining information
appropriate awareness of techniques to address concerns for security, integrity
and safety
artificial intelligence, machine learning, probabilistic programming and its application
to small and large data sets
creative technologies such as virtual and augmented realities.
Discipline areas
This Statement identifies computer science, computer engineering, software engineering,
information technology, data science and information systems as discipline areas and
outlines the content covered by these. A UK Computing degree may include subject matter
from more than one discipline area.
Computer science provides the necessary knowledge to understand and build computational
systems. Its main characteristics include:
the user experience: embracing matters such as digital media, usability in its
broadest sense, personalised systems, concern for users with some form of
disability, and generally applications of ubiquitous and ambient computing and their
effects on user environments and behaviour
fundamental computational concepts and algorithmic thinking, including recursive,
distributed and parallel possibilities and attention to the benefits and the limitations
of these; the role of these in devising approaches to areas of system design,
problem-solving, artificial intelligence, simulation and computational modelling
recognition of the relationships between the concepts of requirements, specification,
design, programme and data (in all its forms) validation and maintenance, as well
as the power of transformation and proof, and the place of these in computing
understanding the power behind abstraction, the potential of multiple levels of
abstraction and the role this plays in computing
understanding the opportunities for and the potential of automation, but also the
proper balance between automation and how humans effectively interact with
computers, recognising the role of redundancy, diversity and separation of concerns
in achieving reliable, usable and secure systems, often in the presence of
recognising simplicity and elegance as useful concepts and principles.
Generally, these are expressed in the ability to specify, design and write computer
The discipline areas of computer engineering, software engineering, information systems,
information technology, data science and cybersecurity draw upon the fundamentals of
computer science and each other.
Computer engineering is concerned with the realisation of computer science fundamentals in
computer hardware. It includes:
scientific and engineering principles that underpin the design and operation of
modern computer hardware and electro-mechanical interfaces
the understanding of the trade-offs between hardware and software in overall
system design
memory, processors, peripherals, communication and networking
real-time and embedded systems, mobile devices.
Generally, these are expressed in the ability to understand the construction of, and make
best use of, computational devices, interfaces and protocols.
Software engineering is concerned with the building of software systems. It includes:
problem definition, specification (including formal specification), design,
implementation (including debugging) and maintenance, software testing, change
management and documentation
cybersecurity, including information security, and safety-critical systems
understanding risk, reliability and scalability of the range of possible options and an
appreciation of design trade-offs.
Generally, these are expressed in the ability to create fit-for-purpose software in a variety of
application domains.
Information technology is concerned with the application of computing technologies to other
domains. It includes:
the selection and application of software and hardware
integration of components to provide solutions in a variety of application domains
risk, cybersecurity and service management aspects of IT systems.
Generally, these are expressed in the ability to deliver a computer-based system as a
solution to desired needs.
Information systems is concerned with the modelling, codification and storage of data and
information for later retrieval and analysis in ways that support decision making. It includes:
data management, databases, information modelling, indexing and searching
systems analysis, system life cycle and interactions between information systems
and other socio-technical systems, including societal and environmental issues.
Generally, these are expressed in the ability to construct systems that acquire, codify, store,
transform and transmit information.
Data science provides a balance between science, statistics and technology. It includes:
the selection and application of analytical software tools
the application of probabilistic machine learning techniques
applying tools and knowledge to address the challenges of small and large
data sets.
Cybersecurity involves technology, people, information and processes to enable assured
operations in the context of adversaries. It includes:
the creation, operation, analysis and testing of secure computer systems
aspects of law, policy, human factors, ethics and risk management.
Degrees in computing, more commonly those at master's level, may be designed to cover a
particular specialism or subdiscipline within computing in greater detail, for example,
computer graphics, information management, e-commerce, digital media, communications
and networking, computing systems architectures, the internet, web science, mobile
computing, data warehousing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, medical computing,
software project management and the user experience.
ACM Computing Curricula
In the decades since the 1960s, roughly every 10 years, ACM has described curriculum
recommendations to the rapidly changing landscape of computer technology. Copies are
available at:
Computing Curricula The Overview Report
CC2020: Computing Curricula 2020: Paradigms for Global Computing Education
Computer science
CS2013: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Computer Science
Computer engineering
CE2016: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer
CSEC2017: Curriculum Guidelines for Post-Secondary Degree Programs in Cybersecurity
Data Science
CCDS2021: Computing Competencies for Undergraduate Data Science Curricula
Information systems
IS2020 Curriculum Update: A Competency Model for Undergraduate Programs in
Information Systems
Information Technology
IT2017: Curriculum Guidelines for Baccalaureate Degree Programs in Information
Software engineering
SE2014 Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software
Fifth edition
Published - 30 March 2022
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